In order for your site to be accessible on the Internet, you need to connect your domain to your hosting, where your site is located. If you purchase a domain and hosting on our site ( at the same time, in this case the site and domain are automatically connected to each other. In another case, if your hosting and domain are purchased on different servers (sites), then you need to connect them to each other. The first and second cases do not have any impact on the quality of the site's operation.
The domain and server are connected to each other by the so-called hosting (server) DNS records. Every hosting has its own so-called DNS address. For example, the DNS of our hosting is:; In turn, the domain has DNS configuration entry fields, where you need to enter the corresponding DNS of the server.
Let's consider 3 possible cases:
1. Option: When a user buys a domain and hosting on our site. As we said above, in this case, the domain and hosting are automatically linked to each other;
2. Option: If a user buys hosting from us, but his domain was purchased on another site, then the user must find the fields for DNS records in the configuration of his domain on that site and enter these two DNS of our hosting:;
3. Option: If a user buys a domain on our site or imports a domain from another site to us, and the hosting was purchased on another site, then the user must find out the DNS records of that hosting and enter that domain in the DNS fields of the configuration. For an example of our site, see the image below.